Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light. After saying these things, Jesus went away and was hidden from them.
John 12:36 (NLT)
Are we Children of Light or the World?
My first book of the Children of Light series, is Into the Light. It’s a Christian fiction story about an individual’s struggle to accept not only that she is a child of God, but that she was created by God for a purpose. Fulfilling that purpose is what she needs to do, but through circumstances and the well-meaning teaching of loved ones, she rejects God’s gifts and her purpose. She has, in fact, accepted a lie and exchanged it for truth. The truth of who she is and the truth of her purpose. She desires to serve God, for she has a servant’s heart, but she chooses to do it under her terms.
In the first few lines of the book, the struggle is revealed as follows:
Emma sat holding Cassie’s hand, as her mind raced, for she knew she had to decide, and do it soon. Could she risk everything to overcome her destiny, knowing what failure would bring? Or should she do as she has always done, hide the truth?
What she thought to be the right thing to do waged a war against her beliefs and everything her Granny had taught her, had implored her to hold on to and never let go, to never reveal.
“Lord God, grant me the grace and wisdom to do what is right,” she prayed a desperate prayer.
How often have we prayed such a prayer?
If we are honest with ourselves, at some point in our lives, we thought and hoped that we were special and would accomplish amazing things in our lives. However, for many of us, those ideas or dreams were dashed if not shattered by the reality of life. Because we live in a fallen world, where God seems distant or maybe non-existent, dreams perish and self-preservation takes over. However, those of us who have been blessed to know the grace of God, who have tasted the riches of his glory, we know differently. We know that God created us for a purpose. We were created in the image of God, to be his image-bearers. To shine God’s light in a lost and dark world.
As children of God, we each received a gift.
As children of God, we are each given gifts. Not the mundane material gifts that our world clings to and strives for, but gifts that we can use to further God’s kingdom, to extend love to others, to show God’s mercy and grace as showers of His love. Although in our hearts we know that we are created for a purpose and that each of us has a role, a job, a calling or just a moment to shine, we often deny or reject such a possibility. We have become a group, a nation, a global community of naysayers, who either reject or deny our purpose. We deny we have any gifts with which we can serve. Because of that, we are less than what God intended for us to be. We live in the shadow, rather than the light.
However, those who accept that God has created them for a reason, have a different outlook on life. One of hope. They accept they have a purpose and work tirelessly to achieve it. But, are they truly doing that which God has called them to do? Have they sought God’s wisdom and direction for their lives? Or, have they decided their talents and abilities lie in a specific area, so they will serve God in that capacity. Although it is work, it comes easy to them. There is no challenge, yet there is recognition and praise. It makes them feel good.
Is that what God intended for them? Maybe. Maybe not.
All too often, we desire to serve God, but on our terms. We choose the when and the how, and maybe even how much. Although the work we are doing is good and bears many good things, is it really what God planned?
These are very hard questions and most likely difficult things to honestly assess personally. It’s not that God rejects the good we do, but I believe he laments our decision to go about things in our way. For when we work in His will, we accomplish far more than we could have ever dreamed.
Therefore, we need to seek Him first! We need to be yielded to His guidance. We need to have our eyes, mind and heart open to all the possibilities that exist around us. Then, as Dr. Henry Blackaby, in his Experiencing God study says, if we see God working, we are to join Him.
That doesn’t mean it will be a job tailor-made for you. Most likely it will not. When God gives us a job, it is one that will require us to depend upon him. We will need to lean on His wisdom and power. It will be a job so out of our sphere of knowledge or influence that it will rock our world. Yet, that is what God wants. This is when He shines. This is when the world sees God through your actions, your work and your servant’s heart.
The challenge here is to make some decisions.
- Whom do you serve? God or yourself?
- If we choose God, the next decision is how. Will you choose to serve on your terms or God’s?
- If God’s, the last step may be the hardest. You much choose to let God show you where he wants you to serve and then walk in obedience.
That means going where God leads. It may be something entirely new, foreign and unimagined.
Or something well known to you, for you have been in His will and on His path all along. Now, however, you see with new eyes, hear with new ears, and love with a new heart, one surrendered to the will of God.
Every one of us are servants. Servants of God, whether you accept that statement or not. God can and does use everyone and all things.
The choice is yours. It has always been.
So, are you a Child of Light, bearing the image of God to a lost, dark world, or are you a child of the world, content to live in the shadows?
Choose God’s light. Choose God’s path.
As one of the characters in the Children of Light book is fond of saying, “Child, trust God. He never disappoints.”
More information on Dr. Henry Blackaby and his Experiencing God study and ministry can be found on his website: Link here: Blackaby Ministries International
If you are interested in purchasing one of my books, click on this link: Jana’s books, and it will redirect you to purchasing options. Thank you and blessings to you.
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